Tap into a new era of fund management, elevating user experience while supercharging conversions and retention.
White-Label App!
Superior User Experience
Boosted Conversion
& Retention
loyalty, paving the way for fund growth.
Elevated Brand Perception
Our platform is built on top of the latest technology stack that ensures robust performance, high-level security, and scalability. The integration capabilities are designed to blend with your fund’s existing structure. Your fund’s shift to the digital space will be seamless, efficient, and hassle-free.
FinqUP provides a white-label solution that allows your fund to maintain its identity while leveraging our technology. Tailor the app to suit your brand and provide a coherent user experience.
FinqUP believes in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Our app features allow users to contribute towards mutual causes, share portfolios, or engage with the fund, seamlessly integrating social responsibility into the investment process.
Swift Digital Onboarding
Effortless Portfolio Management
Secure Online Payments
KYC & AML Checks
“Fuel your organic growth with our feature-rich app. Attract, engage, and retain users, promoting effortless referrals and a remarkable digital experience, ultimately driving your AUM”
Advanced Filters
Interactive Monitoring
Diverse Portfolios
Adaptive Simulations
Editable Distributions
Real-Money Activation
Instant Access
Interactive Investment Map
Active Portfolio Editing
Various Payment Methods
Secure & Encrypted
Donation Bar
Market News Feed
Portfolio & Investment Sharing
Social Duty